Elise the Movie Script Writer

I’m not a traditional creative type. Not artsy, not into crafts, no musical talent. I like to write, but more in a teaching and reflective way. There is no threat of a short story or novel jumping out of my keyboard. But I can be creative in my worry. About [...]read more

Watching Growth

Last Sunday, we celebrated Riley’s High School Graduation surrounded with family and friends, hers and ours. I was reminded of June 3, 2011 when we celebrated our oldest son, Caleb, graduating high school. That seems like yesterday. Time passes fast. Friday, we watched Riley go off to the prom with [...]read more

Mothering: The Verb

Mother is more than just a noun. It’s also a verb: Mother (verb): 1. bring up (a child) with care and affection; “the art of mothering” One of the gifts I value most in my life is mothering my own children. Each is a treasure to me. But I haven’t [...]read more

Desire, Risk, and the Life We Want to Live

When my youngest son was little, he really wanted certain things to happen. But because he was afraid they wouldn’t. He would protect himself by asking for things like this: We probably don’t have any ice cream do we? There isn’t time to have a friend over is there? We [...]read more

Defensive: The Enemy of Intimacy

We all know it is important to apologize when we have hurt someone we care about. So why is it so incredibly difficult sometimes? Last Wednesday night, Greg and I had dinner in Charles Village then went over to the Hopkins campus for an event that we were a part [...]read more