Accepted, Loved, Desired, and Valued

A few weeks ago I attended a seminar where a crucial, but simple question was asked: To what extent would your children say they are accepted, loved, desired, valued by you? That question has stuck with me. I love my children. I really, really, love my children. They are my [...]read more

Open & Curious
remaining curious and open

“Choosing to be curious is choosing to be vulnerable because it requires us to surrender to uncertainty.” Brene Brown Brene Brown suggests that we are wired to be naturally curious, but along the way we shut down our curiosity. Little children are often very curious. As we grow older, it [...]read more

Saying Yes Early and Often.

Not long after I became a first-time mom, I picked up some great advice: Say yes to your kids as much as possible. I don’t remember where it came from. But for the last 23 years, Greg and I have tried to follow that advice as much as possible. We [...]read more

Facing The Broken Places
facing the broken places in life

It’s painful facing the parts of my life that aren’t working. More often than I care to admit, I’d rather avoid those parts. I know I’m not alone. Most of us want to avoid the pain that we feel when we face the broken spaces. One of the best parts [...]read more

The Story of My Life
Story of my life and how it is created

Yesterday, I listened to Dr. Marv Penner, marriage and family counselor, speak on Helping Hurting Kids. Penner suggested that one of the primary tasks of adolescence is identity formation. Penner says kids are asking themselves “who am I?” and looking for an answer. One particular part of Penner’s talk struck [...]read more