Are You The Adult You Want To Be

If you are a child, your job is to be a child. Eventually, you will mature and become an adult. But for now, you can relax and be a child. If you are an adult, your job is to be an adult. The problem in many relationships is that adults [...]read more


A couple of years into marriage, Greg and I took personality tests as part of training that we were doing. Our results showed that we were significantly less compatible than you would want in a marriage. In fact, we were about as opposite as we could be. The counselor doing [...]read more

The Living Above The Line Challenge

I spent an hour with a couple this week. One of them quickly identified the living above the line challenge: The problem is it feels SO vulnerable. They didn’t say it out loud, but what they meant was this: if I live above the line, I may be hurt and [...]read more

Living Above The Line: Justifying

The easiest thing in the world to do is to justify our own hurtful behavior. But every time we do we dip below the line. Our spouse snaps at us, so naturally we respond in kind. A friend hurts our feelings, so we give them the cold shoulder. We yell [...]read more

New Life

Around the world today, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection is the belief that Jesus died on behalf of the world only to be brought to life again 3 days later. That resurrection is ultimately about things that were once dead being made alive again. Today, may you [...]read more