The Inner Storms
Inner emotional storm

We don’t even understand why it happens. One moment things seem pretty normal. The next we are flooded with thoughts, feelings, and emotions that seem out of control. The worst part is it doesn’t even need to be something dramatic that sets us off: a look from a spouse, a [...]read more

My Deep Desire for Connection

I’m drawn to people that are real. People that let you see the good and the bad. People that are ok with revealing their flaws and failures. I’m touched when I get to see behind the curtain. Real connections happen when we share the hurt and are vulnerable. It is [...]read more

Off to the Races

Something snuck up on me. Thanksgiving this week marks the start of the race that will end January 1st. The holidays are upon us. I love much about the holidays. My rarely seen oldest son will be home from Virginia Tech (his home away from home). I’ll see family and [...]read more

The Art of Self Compassion
learning self compassion

Life is hard. It’s a simple, obvious truth that I think about often. Most people want life to go a certain way. We have a story in our minds of how things should be. For some this story might be pursuing career success. For others the story may involve athletic [...]read more

Our Powerful, Unbalanced, Brain

Our brains are the most sophisticated tools on the planet. At your next dinner party, find the neuroscientist in the room and ask him about your brain and it’s magical powers. He’ll go on for hours. We have a powerful, God given, tool right inside of our bodies. Our brains [...]read more