Archive for the “Growing with Anxiety” Category
The Pathway to Growth: Differentiation

No one can push my buttons like those close to me. Of course, I can be upset by those I don’t know well: the women in front of me that is taking too long at Starbucks, the man driving aggressively behind me on the beltway, or the parent I decide is obnoxious on the sidelines […]

Choosing Growth in Relationships: Overcoming Being Stuck

One of the three marriage paths is being stuck. David Schnarch, author of Secrets of a Passionate Marriage, describes this as Emotional Gridlock. He says that early in relationships couples often agree and affirm each other. But naturally over time, they agree less and conflict begins to show. When in gridlock, nearly everything our partners […]

The Three Marriage Paths
The Three Marriage Paths

All marriages start the same. The particulars will vary, but the story goes something like this: Couple meets. They are attracted to each other. They connect and accept each other. They are in love. They decide to marry and live happily ever after. The marriage start story is pretty simple. Of course, there are lots […]

Accepted, Loved, Desired, and Valued

A few weeks ago I attended a seminar where a crucial, but simple question was asked: To what extent would your children say they are accepted, loved, desired, valued by you? That question has stuck with me. I love my children. I really, really, love my children. They are my favorite people to talk to. […]

Open & Curious
remaining curious and open

“Choosing to be curious is choosing to be vulnerable because it requires us to surrender to uncertainty.” Brene Brown Brene Brown suggests that we are wired to be naturally curious, but along the way we shut down our curiosity. Little children are often very curious. As we grow older, it becomes more and more difficult […]

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